Total Population
Median age
Female population %
Gender ratio (M:F)
30-34 years
Largest age group
Total dependency ratio
Largest racial group
Hispanic population

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 2021


Seymour town's population is young compared to the rest of the country:

  • The median age in Seymour town is 33.4, compared to 38.8 nationwide, according to the American Community Survey 2017 - 2021 5 Year estimates.
  • Seymour town's population under 18 was 25.19%, compared to the 22.51% nationwide.
  • Seymour town's elderly or the senior population (over 65 age) was 12.99% as compared to 16.04% nationwide.
  • Of the total population in Seymour town, 22.86% were under the age of 15, 18.96% aged 15 to 29, 45.19% aged 30 to 64, 11.95% aged 65 to 84, and 1.04% were 85 years of age and older.
The graph shows Seymour town's population by age group, with age group on x-axis and the respective age group's percent of the total population on y-axis
Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by age group. The largest age group was 30-34 years with a poulation of 42 (10.91% of the total population). Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates.

Read more about Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by age ➔


There are 39 less females than males in Seymour town:

  • The female percentage in the USA is 50.50% while the male percentage is 49.50%, compared to 44.94% females and 55.06% males in Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin.
  • The Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin gender ratio is 122.5:100 i.e. 122.5 men to 100 women (1.225).
  • For male population, the largest age group is 0-4 years with a population of 25.
  • For the female population, the largest age group is 30-34 years with a population of 22.
The grouped bar chart shows Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by age and gender across 18 age groups, defined between the age of 0 and 85 and above. The female population is shown in pink color bar and male population is shown in blue color bar. Age group is plotted on x axis and population on y axis.
California population by gender and age. Largest age group (population): Male # 0-4 years (25) | Female # 30-34 years (22). Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates.

Read more about Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by gender ➔

Race / Ethnicity

Seymour town's population is moderately diverse:

  • Racial distribution of Seymour town population: 89.61% are White, 0.52% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 7.27% are some other race and 2.60% are multiracial.
  • Seymour town's racial breakdown clearly shows that there is an absolute majority of White population in the town.
  • By ethnicity, 56 is Hispanic or Latino (of any race), and 329 (85.45% of the total population) is Non-Hispanic.
  • The largest racial group in Seymour town is White with a population of 345 (89.61% of the total population).
The bar chart shows Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by race, in percentage. The numbers shown are based on the American Community Survey respondents self identified race. The Hispanic and Latino population is spread across the races identified and not as a separate race category.
Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by race. The largest racial group in Seymour town is White with a population of 345 (89.61% of the total population). Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates.

Read more about Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by race ➔

Year by year

Seymour town's population has already reached its peak and is showing a trend of decline:

  • The peak population was 447 in the year 2015
  • From 2000 to 2010, Seymour town's population increased by 77 (21.04%), as compared to the national growth of 9.63%.
  • From 2010 to 2020, Seymour town's population decreased by 51 (11.51%), according to Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program. For the same period, the rate of growth for the United States was 7.17%.
  • Between the year 2000 and 2022, Seymour town's population was lowest in year 2001 at 365.
The graph shows Seymour town's population from 2000 to 2022, with years on x-axis and population on y-axis
Seymour town's population from 2000 to 2022. The estimated population at the end of 2022 was 395. Source: U.S. Census Bureau (Population Estimates Program)

Read more about Seymour Town, Lafayette County, Wisconsin population by year ➔


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Neilsberg Research
Neilsberg Research team are data scientists with expertise in processing, analysis and visualization of big data helping small businesses make right decisions.


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