Spalding County, GA Income by Gender

In Spalding County, the median income for all workers aged 15 years and older, regardless of work hours, was $36,139 for males and $25,941 for females. However, when specifically considering full-time, year-round workers within the same age group, the median income was $49,458 for males and $43,272 for females.
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Updated Jan 9, 2024

Spalding County, GA annual median income by work experience and sex (Aged 15+, in 2022 inflation-adjusted dollars)

The table presents median income data over a decade or more for males and females categorized by Total, Full-Time Year-Round (FT), and Part-Time (PT) employment in Spalding County. It showcases annual income, providing insights into gender-specific income distributions and the disparities between full-time1 and part-time2 work.

Year Male Total Income Male FT Income Male PT Income Female Total Income Female FT Income Female PT Income
2010 $37,702 $53,442 $19,494 $22,070 $42,056 $13,624
2011 $34,970 $52,894 $19,833 $21,528 $40,434 $13,645
2012 $34,494 $51,748 $19,788 $21,903 $40,389 $14,199
2013 $33,571 $50,894 $18,908 $22,047 $39,679 $14,421
2014 $32,165 $50,790 $19,059 $21,354 $38,782 $14,573
2015 $31,547 $49,782 $19,236 $21,004 $38,732 $14,136
2016 $31,187 $48,499 $18,963 $20,830 $38,382 $13,680
2017 $32,403 $48,403 $19,423 $20,829 $38,991 $13,961
2018 $32,257 $47,363 $20,494 $21,112 $39,889 $14,391
2019 $34,385 $48,069 $20,759 $23,293 $40,087 $14,802
2020 $34,980 $49,118 $20,846 $24,854 $41,470 $15,469
2021 $36,139 $49,458 $21,874 $25,941 $43,272 $16,934
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Avg Income Age group Avg Income Diversity Index Population Gender ratio (M:F) Homeownership % Avg commute time Custom Dataset: Spalding County Self-employed, multilingual, car-commuting, insured individuals 15 to 24 years $27,865 75 27,354 0.75 0.5% 55 min 25 to 44 years $44,231 90 37,459 0.86 19% 43 min 45 to 64 years $53,865 95 42,167 0.77 35% 15 min 65 to 74 years $51,800 74 32,972 0.91 45% 13 min 75 to 84 years $41,234 66 26,758 0.87 66% 42 min 85 years and over $36,093 56 18,857 0.89 76% 45 min

Spalding County, GA gender pay gap statistics

In Spalding County, the population consists of 32,204 males (48.27%) and 34,518 females (51.73%), a breakdown further detailed in Spalding County population by gender.

With a gender ratio of 93.3:100 i.e. 93.3 men to 100 women (0.933), Spalding County hosts fewer men than women. This demographic distribution sets the backdrop for our exploration into gender-based income disparities within the area.

Historically, addressing gender-based pay differences has been a pressing concern, prompting substantial efforts not only from government initiatives but also from advocacy groups, businesses, and social movements. To explore this further within the context of Spalding County, our analysis will focus on examining the income data to understand the reality of gender-based pay differences.

Here are the key findings from our analysis:

  • All workers, aged 15 years and older: In Spalding County, the median income for all workers aged 15 years and older, regardless of work hours, was $36,139 for males and $25,941 for females.

    These income figures indicate a substantial gender-based pay disparity, showcasing a gap of approximately 28% between the median incomes of males and females in Spalding County. With women, regardless of work hours, earning 72 cents to each dollar earned by men, this income disparity reveals a concerning trend toward wage inequality that demands attention in thecounty of Spalding County.

  • Full-time workers, aged 15 years and older: In Spalding County, among full-time, year-round workers aged 15 years and older, males earned a median income of $49,458, while females earned $43,272, resulting in a 13% gender pay gap among full-time workers. This illustrates that women earn 87 cents for each dollar earned by men in full-time positions. While this gap shows a trend where women are inching closer to wage parity with men, it also exhibits a noticeable income difference for women working full-time in the county of Spalding County.

    Interestingly, when analyzing income across all roles, including non-full-time employment, the gender pay gap percentage was higher for women compared to men. It appears that full-time employment presents a more favorable income scenario for women compared to other employment patterns in Spalding County.

To visualize the evolving trend, here is a line chart depicting the changes in gender-specific annual median incomes over time in Spalding County, encompassing both full-time and all workers aged 15 years and older.

Line chart showing the annual median income trends in Spalding County, GA for males and females across four employment categories: (1) Males in full-time year-round positions, (2) Males in non-full-time roles (part-time and other employment types), (3) Females in full-time year-round positions, and (4) Females in non-full-time roles (part-time and other employment types).
Spalding County, GA gender based income disparity: Gain insights into gender-based pay disparity trends and explore the variations in income for male and female individuals, in 2022 inflation adjusted dollars. Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates

Spalding County, GA gender and employment-based income distribution analysis (Ages 15+)

To gain insights into gender-based income distribution within the Spalding County population, we conducted an analysis across 20 distinct brackets for males and females aged 15 years and over, covering both full-time year-round workers and other employment designations.

Within Spalding County, among individuals aged 15 years and older with income, there were 22,446 men and 23,837 women in the workforce. Among them, 11,201 men were engaged in full-time, year-round employment, while 9,683 women were in full-time, year-round roles.

Analyzing the percentage of full-time, year-round workers to the total workforce reveals that among men, the proportion of full-time employment was 49.90%, whereas among women, the ratio was 40.62%. This indicates that a higher percentage of men were engaged in full-time, year-round roles compared to women.

The observed disparity may stem from various factors such as industry choices, societal expectations, or employment opportunities, revealing potential gender-based variations in employment trends within Spalding County.

Parenthood, for instance, is one such factor influencing these trends. Women between 25 and 44 years old who are mothers are less inclined to participate in the workforce compared to women of the same age without children at home. Furthermore, when employed, these mothers often work fewer hours per week, adding to the observed disparities in full-time employment between genders.

Spalding County annual income distribution by work experience and sex (Ages 15+ with income)

The following table provides a detailed breakdown of the count of individuals within distinct income brackets, categorizing them by gender (men and women) and employment type - full-time1 (FT) and part-time2 (PT), offering valuable insights into the diverse income landscapes within Spalding County

Income Bracket Full-Time Males Part-Time Males Full-Time Females Part-Time Females
$1 to $2,499 or loss - 540 - 840
$2,500 to $4,999 - 551 20 781
$5,000 to $7,499 40 718 76 961
$7,500 to $9,999 14 1,229 80 1,436
$10,000 to $12,499 246 774 126 1,630
$12,500 to $14,999 66 590 365 1,081
$15,000 to $17,499 255 633 341 1,307
$17,500 to $19,999 141 516 210 990
$20,000 to $22,499 488 755 386 918
$22,500 to $24,999 444 436 281 337
$25,000 to $29,999 1,084 843 913 913
$30,000 to $34,999 812 415 1,160 640
$35,000 to $39,999 955 487 878 472
$40,000 to $44,999 917 244 575 370
$45,000 to $49,999 688 313 901 453
$50,000 to $54,999 854 395 753 239
$55,000 to $64,999 1,018 356 666 173
$65,000 to $74,999 836 487 403 169
$75,000 to $99,999 1,221 392 839 213
$100,000 or more 1,122 571 710 231
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To provide a more comprehensive understanding of income distribution, we have grouped the original income brackets into five broader categories for analysis purposes: Under $24,999, $25,000 to $49,999, $50,000 to $74,999, $75,000 to $99,999, and above $100,000. This grouping allows for a more focused assessment of income disparities across distinct income ranges, offering clearer insights into gender-based income distributions within the Spalding County population.

The analysis unveiled the following key findings:

  • Annual income under $24,999: Of the male population working full-time, 15.12% fell within the income range of under $24,999, while 19.47% of the female population working full-time was represented in the same income bracket. Additionally, among individuals in other non-full-time employment categories, 59.96% of males and 72.64% of females were found within this income range.

    In total, among the population aged 15 years and older with income, across all employment categories, the analysis revealed that 37.58% of the entire male population and 51.04% of the entire female population fell within the income bracket of under $24,999.

    A higher percentage of females compared to males falling within the under $24,999 income bucket suggests a potential disparity, indicating a greater concentration of women in this lower income range.

  • Annual income between $25,000 and $49,999: 39.78% of males in full-time employment were within the $25,000 to $49,999 income range, while 45.72% of females in full-time roles were represented in this income bracket. Moreover, among other employment categories, 20.47% of males and 20.12% of females fell into this income range.

    Considering the population aged 15 years and older with income across all employments, 30.11% of the total male population and 30.52% of the total female population were encompassed within this income bracket.

    The higher representation of females compared to males in the $25,000 to $49,999 income bracket indicates a potential inequality, emphasizing a greater prevalence of women within this lower-middle income range.

  • Annual income between $50,000 and $74,999: 24.18% of men in full-time employment fell within the $50,000 to $74,999 income bracket, while 18.82% of women in full-time positions were also within this income range. Furthermore, among individuals in other non-full-time employment categories, 11.01% of men and 4.10% of women were situated within this specific income bracket.

    Overall, considering the entire population aged 15 years and older with income across all job types, 17.58% of the total male population and 10.08% of the total female population were found within the $50,000 to $74,999 income bracket.

    The higher proportion of males compared to females in the $50,000 to $74,999 income bracket suggests a potential inequality, emphasizing a greater prevalence of men within this middle-income range.

  • Annual income between $75,000 and $99,999: 10.90% of men in full-time roles occupied the $75,000 to $99,999 income bracket, while 8.66% of women in full-time positions shared this income range. Additionally, among individuals in other non-full-time employment categories, 3.49% of men and 1.50% of women were situated within this specific income bracket.

    In total, among the entire population aged 15 years and older with income across all job types, 7.19% of the total male population and 4.41% of the total female population fell within the $75,000 to $99,999 income bracket.

    The elevated ratio of males to females in the $75,000 to $99,999 income bracket hints at a potential inequality, underscoring a stronger predominance of men within this upper-middle income range.

  • Annual income above $100,000: 10.02% of men in full-time roles earned incomes exceeding $100,000, while 7.33% of women in full-time positions earned within this income bracket. Additionally, among those in alternative non-full-time employment, 5.08% of men and 1.63% of women earned within this income bracket.

    In total, across the entire population aged 15 years and older with income across all job types, 7.54% of the total male population and 3.95% of the total female population earned incomes above $100,000.

    The increased proportion of males compared to females in the above $100,000 income bracket suggests a potential inequality, emphasizing a greater predominance of men in this higher income range.

Grouped bar chart displaying the count of male and female individuals across 20 income brackets, categorized by full-time and part-time employment statuses. It provides insights into income disparities and variations across genders, aiding in data analysis and decision-making.
Spalding County, GA gender and employment-based income distribution analysis (Ages 15+) Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates

Things to know

Is there a gender-based pay gap in Spalding County, GA?

In Spalding County, the median income for all workers aged 15 years and older, regardless of work hours, was $36,139 for males and $25,941 for females.

These income figures indicate a substantial gender-based pay disparity, showcasing a gap of approximately 28% between the median incomes of males and females in Spalding County. With women, regardless of work hours, earning 72 cents to each dollar earned by men, this income disparity reveals a concerning trend toward wage inequality that demands attention in thecounty of Spalding County.

What is the average annual income for a women in Spalding County, GA?

The median income for females aged 15 years and older in Spalding County is $25,941, indicating that half of the female population in this age group earns more than this figure, while the other half earns less. This data is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates.

What is the average annual income for men in Spalding County, GA?

The median income for males aged 15 years and older in Spalding County is $36,139, indicating that half of the male population in this age group earns more than this figure, while the other half earns less. This data is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates.

Is $100,000 considered low annual income in Spalding County, GA?

In Spalding County, among individuals aged 15 years and older working full-time year-round, 10.02% of men and 7.33% of women earned incomes surpassing $100,000. This indicates that for both men and women, the percentage earning above $100,000 is relatively low.



1 A full-time, year-round worker is a person who worked full time (35 or more hours per week) and 50 or more weeks during the previous calendar year. 2 A part-time worker is a person who worked less than 35 hours per week during the previous calendar year.

The analysis presented in this article is based on estimates derived from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey. While these figures offer valuable insights, they are subject to a margin of error. It is advisable to exercise caution and consider the potential margin of error when interpreting and utilizing this data.


Explore datasets by year of publication.
Spalding County, GA annual income distribution by work experience and gender dataset (Number of individuals ages 15+ with income, 2021)
Last updated January 9, 2024
CC BY 4.0
About this dataset


The dataset presents the detailed breakdown of the count of individuals within distinct income brackets, categorizing them by gender (men and women) and employment type - full-time (FT) and part-time (PT), offering valuable insights into the diverse income landscapes within Spalding County. The dataset can be utilized to gain insights into gender-based income distribution within the Spalding County population, aiding in data analysis and decision-making..

Key observations

  • Employment patterns: Within Spalding County, among individuals aged 15 years and older with income, there were 22,446 men and 23,837 women in the workforce. Among them, 11,201 men were engaged in full-time, year-round employment, while 9,683 women were in full-time, year-round roles.
  • Annual income under $24,999: Of the male population working full-time, 15.12% fell within the income range of under $24,999, while 19.47% of the female population working full-time was represented in the same income bracket.
  • Annual income above $100,000: 10.02% of men in full-time roles earned incomes exceeding $100,000, while 7.33% of women in full-time positions earned within this income bracket.
  • Refer to the research insights for more key observations on more income brackets ( Annual income under $24,999, Annual income between $25,000 and $49,999, Annual income between $50,000 and $74,999, Annual income between $75,000 and $99,999 and Annual income above $100,000) and employment types (full-time year-round and part-time)

When available, the data consists of estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates.

Income brackets:

  • $1 to $2,499 or loss
  • $2,500 to $4,999
  • $5,000 to $7,499
  • $7,500 to $9,999
  • $10,000 to $12,499
  • $12,500 to $14,999
  • $15,000 to $17,499
  • $17,500 to $19,999
  • $20,000 to $22,499
  • $22,500 to $24,999
  • $25,000 to $29,999
  • $30,000 to $34,999
  • $35,000 to $39,999
  • $40,000 to $44,999
  • $45,000 to $49,999
  • $50,000 to $54,999
  • $55,000 to $64,999
  • $65,000 to $74,999
  • $75,000 to $99,999
  • $100,000 or more

Variables / Data Columns

  • Income Bracket: This column showcases 20 income brackets ranging from $1 to $100,000+..
  • Full-Time Males: The count of males employed full-time year-round and earning within a specified income bracket
  • Part-Time Males: The count of males employed part-time and earning within a specified income bracket
  • Full-Time Females: The count of females employed full-time year-round and earning within a specified income bracket
  • Part-Time Females: The count of females employed part-time and earning within a specified income bracket

Employment type classifications include:

  • Full-time, year-round: A full-time, year-round worker is a person who worked full time (35 or more hours per week) and 50 or more weeks during the previous calendar year.
  • Part-time: A part-time worker is a person who worked less than 35 hours per week during the previous calendar year.

Good to know

Margin of Error

Data in the dataset are based on the estimates and are subject to sampling variability and thus a margin of error. Neilsberg Research recommends using caution when presening these estimates in your research.

Custom data

If you do need custom data for any of your research project, report or presentation, you can contact our research staff at for a feasibility of a custom tabulation on a fee-for-service basis.


Neilsberg Research Team curates, analyze and publishes demographics and economic data from a variety of public and proprietary sources, each of which often includes multiple surveys and programs. The large majority of Neilsberg Research aggregated datasets and insights is made available for free download at

Recommended for further research

This dataset is a part of the main dataset for Spalding County median household income by gender. You can refer the same here

Spalding County, GA annual median income by work experience and sex dataset : Aged 15+, 2010-2022 (in 2022 inflation-adjusted dollars)
Last updated January 9, 2024
CC BY 4.0
About this dataset


The dataset presents median income data over a decade or more for males and females categorized by Total, Full-Time Year-Round (FT), and Part-Time (PT) employment in Spalding County. It showcases annual income, providing insights into gender-specific income distributions and the disparities between full-time and part-time work. The dataset can be utilized to gain insights into gender-based pay disparity trends and explore the variations in income for male and female individuals.

Key observations: Insights from 2021

Based on our analysis ACS 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates, we present the following observations:

  • All workers, aged 15 years and older: In Spalding County, the median income for all workers aged 15 years and older, regardless of work hours, was $36,139 for males and $25,941 for females.

    These income figures indicate a substantial gender-based pay disparity, showcasing a gap of approximately 28% between the median incomes of males and females in Spalding County. With women, regardless of work hours, earning 72 cents to each dollar earned by men, this income disparity reveals a concerning trend toward wage inequality that demands attention in thecounty of Spalding County.

  • Full-time workers, aged 15 years and older: In Spalding County, among full-time, year-round workers aged 15 years and older, males earned a median income of $49,458, while females earned $43,272, resulting in a 13% gender pay gap among full-time workers. This illustrates that women earn 87 cents for each dollar earned by men in full-time positions. While this gap shows a trend where women are inching closer to wage parity with men, it also exhibits a noticeable income difference for women working full-time in the county of Spalding County.

    Interestingly, when analyzing income across all roles, including non-full-time employment, the gender pay gap percentage was higher for women compared to men. It appears that full-time employment presents a more favorable income scenario for women compared to other employment patterns in Spalding County.


When available, the data consists of estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2017-2021 5-Year Estimates. All incomes have been adjusting for inflation and are presented in 2022-inflation-adjusted dollars.

Gender classifications include:

  • Male
  • Female

Employment type classifications include:

  • Full-time, year-round: A full-time, year-round worker is a person who worked full time (35 or more hours per week) and 50 or more weeks during the previous calendar year.
  • Part-time: A part-time worker is a person who worked less than 35 hours per week during the previous calendar year.

Variables / Data Columns

  • Year: This column presents the data year. Expected values are 2010 to 2022
  • Male Total Income: Annual median income, for males regardless of work hours
  • Male FT Income: Annual median income, for males working full time, year-round
  • Male PT Income: Annual median income, for males working part time
  • Female Total Income: Annual median income, for females regardless of work hours
  • Female FT Income: Annual median income, for females working full time, year-round
  • Female PT Income: Annual median income, for females working part time

Good to know

Margin of Error

Data in the dataset are based on the estimates and are subject to sampling variability and thus a margin of error. Neilsberg Research recommends using caution when presening these estimates in your research.

Custom data

If you do need custom data for any of your research project, report or presentation, you can contact our research staff at for a feasibility of a custom tabulation on a fee-for-service basis.


Neilsberg Research Team curates, analyze and publishes demographics and economic data from a variety of public and proprietary sources, each of which often includes multiple surveys and programs. The large majority of Neilsberg Research aggregated datasets and insights is made available for free download at

Recommended for further research

This dataset is a part of the main dataset for Spalding County median household income by gender. You can refer the same here

If you're looking for datasets from another year, please feel free to contact us at and we'll be happy to assist you further.

Explore more

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Insights for Spalding County, by topic

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Neilsberg Research
Neilsberg Research team are data scientists with expertise in processing, analysis and visualization of big data helping small businesses make right decisions.


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